What is Email Hacking ? - Email Hacking is a form/type social media based hacking which is usually done through social engineering
- Email hacking is the unauthorized access to, or manipulation of, an email account or email of victim
- In Email Hijacking ⇒ hacker use some techniques like ⇒
- email spoofing
- email bombing
- social engineering
- Phishing
- Through Virus or Keyloggers or Cookie Hijacking
Let's discuss on these Email Hacking Techniques ⇒ 1. Email Spoofing - In this , An email is sent by a spammer from a known domain misguiding the receiver to open the mail, as it is from a known source.
- These mails usually have
- suspicious links, doubtful content, requests to transfer money, etc.
- Essentially email spoofers are used to trick their victims into believing that the sender is somebody, who they are not.
- An example would be somebody sending an example to their victim, and claiming to be from Facebook for example.
- What is email spoofing used for?
- Email spoofing can be used for tricking your victim into doing the following, but not limited to:
- Downloading your virus
- Visiting a website of your choice
- Informing somebody of false information
- Social Engineering
- The power is as large as your mind of creativity.
- Email spoofing is a powerful ally if used well and manipulated correctly.
2. Email Bombing - In this attack, hacker send mass volume of email to a specific email address
- Aim of this attack : overflow the mailbox of victim's email address
- It is a kind of DOS Attack
- In simple words :
- email bombers are programs that flood email box of victim
- with excessive spams or other unwanted mails
- and it is almost impossible to track the real source of mail bombers
- Such volume of emails, may contain some
- unknown links,
- pop-up ads,
- pics,
- and other malicious attachments that infect a system
3. Social Engineering - Social Engineering is a tactic
- used by cyber criminals that uses lies and manipulation to trick people into revealing their personal information
- Social engineering attacks frequently involve very convincing fake stories to lure victims into their trap.
- Sending victims an email that claims there's a problem with their account and has a link to a fake website.
- Entering their account information into the site sends it straight to the cyber criminal
- PHISHING u can say
- In Social Engineering ,we try to
- convince victims to open email attachments that contain malware by claiming it is something they might enjoy (like a game) or need (like anti-malware software)
- Spammers send promotional mails to different users, offering huge discount and tricking them to fill their personal data
- In kali Linux : we can use Tool : SET for such purposes
4. Inserting Viruses in a User System - In this technique, a hacker can hijack your email account is by infecting your system with a virus or any other kind of malware
- With the help of a virus, a hacker can take all your passwords.
5. Phishing - Email hacking can also be done by phishing techniques